National Institute of Speech & Hearing
Accredited as Excellent Institution by RCI | Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade
Homepage Slideshow
Welcome to our home on the web! With the start of the new academic year, our campus is bustling with activities. When NISH was established in 1997, it started small but we had a big vision. We are hoping to start new courses that will help people with disabilities to have higher education and also professionals to have the knowledge and expertise to serve well.
The Audiology wing under the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology provides hearing evaluation including Diagnostic Audiological Evaluation and Audiological Screening Services utilising state-of-the-art test Read More...
New initiatives and innovative thinking are markers of growth and development in any organization. Being a growing institution, NISH welcomes new initiatives and takes efforts to implement them within the framework of our goals and vision. Read More...
The Speech-Language Pathology wing under the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology provides diagnostic services as well as therapeutic management for various speech and language disorders. The services are available to paediatric as well as adult population and use standardised test tools Read More...
Academics at NISH is unique in the sense that NISH has an integrated campus where students with hearing impairment and students with normal hearing share the same campus. Bachelor’s level courses exclusively for students with hearing impairment include Degree courses in Fine Arts, Computer Science and Commerce Read More...
Early Intervention Program exclusively for hearing impaired children is an important activity at NISH aiming at mainstreaming the children with hearing impairment by providing intensive training on pre-academic skills and communication skills Read More...
Research and publications forms an integral part of the activities at NISH. A number of research activities has been undertaken by staffs and students of various departments. The research activities are centrally monitored by Read More...
The department focuses on developing comprehensive services for Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in a life span approach. It focuses on developing effective clinical and research approaches along with manpower development in this area. Today Read More...
NISH campus is located at the serene lakeside near Akkulam. It is conveniently located away from the bustling city chaos but is still easily accessible to NH47 Bypass, Airport, Railway Station as well as Medical College Trivandrum. The campus hosts the entire clinical as well as academic Read More...
NISH is committed to providing best services and opportunities for development to all its stakeholders especially its students. To ensure a conducive learning environment free from any infringement on the rights of its students and to facilitate prompt resolution of grievances of students with sensitivity Read More...
The allied services include Psychology, ENT and Physiotherapy which are essential for the multidisciplinary team approach for assessment and management of the disorders. This becomes essential due to the co-morbidity of hearing loss and speech-language disorders with other disorders. Read More...
Image gallery
Bilingual Strategies Workshop
Bilingual Strategies Workshop held on 3rd and 4th August 2019
Study abroad program
Nine students and two professors from the Purdue University, USA visited NISH as part of their study abroad program on 2nd July 2018 and concluded the program on 7th July 2018
Opening of Creche
Opening of Creche - 02 July 2018
Awareness Talk on ‘Waste Segregation and Management"
Awareness talk on ‘Waste Segregation and Management" on 6th June 2018
The Indian Express January 30, 2017
The New Indian Express August 1, 2016
The Hindu March 14, 2016
The Hindu January 10, 2015
News November 28, 2015
The Week August 30, 2015
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