National Institute of Speech & Hearing
Accredited as Excellent Institution by RCI | Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade
Criterion I | Curricular Aspects |
Criterion II | Teaching Learning and Evaluation |
Criterion III | Research Innovation and Extension |
Criterion IV | Infrastructure and Learning Resources |
Criterion V | Student Support and Progression |
Criterion VI | Governance Leadership and Management |
Criterion VII | Institutional Values and Best Practices |
1. AQAR 2016-17 |
2. AQAR 2017-18 |
3. AQAR 2018-19 |
4. AQAR 2019-20 |
5. AQAR 2020-21 |
6. AQAR 2021-22 |
6. AQAR 2022-23 |