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Speech and Language Therapeutics department at NISH is a well-established department that provides habilitative and rehabilitative treatment services. We provide quality clinical services to adults and children with

    • Language and speech disorders, secondary to cleft palate, cerebral palsy, autism, hearing loss, cognitive disorders, learning disabilities.
    • Language or speech difficulties following brain damage such as stroke or any head
    • Speech difficulties after surgical removal of tongue or larynx
    • Voice disorders
    • Hearing loss
    • Swallowing disorders

Graduate, as well as postgraduate students, provide individual and group therapy under the supervision of certified speech-language pathologist approved by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI). Speech therapy timings will be allotted to the clients depending on the convenience of the client as well as the availability of therapists. Our department is open from Monday through Saturday starting from 8.30am - 4.30pm. Individual therapy sessions are being followed at NISH, in addition, the special clinics provide group intervention programs for ASD, LD, SLI, and Stuttering.

Each therapy session has a duration of 45minutes following which home training goals and activities will be counselled to the parents. Often Parental Awareness Programs are organized for different disorders at NISH.

The cost of Speech and Language Therapy vary depending upon the socio-economic status of the client or family. The appointments given for therapy are to be followed strictly by the clients.

For queries please contact:

Name of facultyProfessional qualificationContact
Ms. Manju S. MASLP manjus@nish.ac.in Dept of ASLP, NISH, NISH Road, Sreekariyam P. O., Thiruvananthapuram Pin: 695 017 Ph: +91 471 2944648
Ms. Swathi G. MASLP swathi@nish.ac.in Dept of ASLP, NISH, NISH Road, Sreekariyam P. O., Thiruvananthapuram Pin: 695 017 Ph: +91 471 2944631


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Connect with us

  • Address: NISH, NISH Road, Sreekariyam P. O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 017
  • Site: www.nish.ac.in
  • Email : nishinfo@nish.ac.in
  • Phone: ++91-471- 2944666, 2596919, 2596920
  • Toll Free: 18004253323
  • Fax: ++91-471- 2944699
  • Office Timing: 08:30 A.M to 05:00 P.M on all working days. 

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