National Institute of Speech & Hearing
Accredited as Excellent Institution by RCI | Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade
The department is dedicated to evaluation and diagnosis of speech and language disorders in pediatric as well as the adult population.
Speech disorders can occur as a problem with the articulation of speech sounds, dysfluent speech/stammering and can also manifest as voice problems. Speech disorders can be present alone or in conjunction with other neurological disorders like dysarthria, apraxia, cerebral palsy etc.
Speech Assessment Tests
Language problems are seen in both adults and children. In adults, it occurs usually after a neurological insult like in case of stroke/ accident/ blow to head/ old age. In children language delays/ deviancy etc may occur alone as in case of Specific Language Impairment or it can occur as a result of conditions like Cerebral Palsy, Mental Subnormality, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Hearing loss etc.
Language Assessment Tools