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Editor in chief:

M Anjana IAS, Director, Social Justice Department, Govt Of Kerala.

Associate Editors:

Dr Anjana A. V.

Dr Anu Mukund

Mr. C. K. Dhanapandian

Dr Vinith Dani Jose

Editorial board members:

Dr Suja K Kunnath

Dr Vinitha Mary George

Dr Anne Varghese

Dr Lakshmi.S.Mohan

Sita Sreekumar

Arya Manoharan

Preethy Susan Reni

Manju S

Sreena E N

Vineetha Sara Philip

Shirly G

Joseph Bose H H




ED2National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH), Trivandrum, publishes the Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences and Disability Studies (JRSDS), a multidisciplinary online open-access journal. It is a forum for exchanging information and disseminating current research and expertise on all aspects of disabilities and related topics from all disciplinary perspectives. It is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (in October and April).

Our review process is rigorous, and papers that do not meet the criteria are outright rejected.

The journal's vision is to build a global network of excellent academicians and researchers, and our research reviewers are working hard to keep the journal's standards high.

Best Wishes

Editorial in Chief

M. Anjana IAS


Training & Industry Placement (TIP)


To support NISH scholars in obtaining employment with a variety of organisations, clinics, and hospitals in India and overseas.


  • Provide Career Counseling for students

  • Conduct grooming sessions for students including mock interviews, lecture series by industry personnel

  • Establish and maintain a rapport with industry to expose graduates to the best of corporate India and to uncover job prospects.

  • Notify students about job openings. 

  • Organise job fairs for people with disabilities to expose corporate India to the tremoundes talent that exist in NISH (at a later time as we grow)

  • Conduct training, hand-holding, and job coaching in collaboration with placement and training organisations.

  • Conduct studies concerns  on employment, integration at workplace, retention of jobs or similar issues that can enhance rehabilitation and integration.

Special attention to

  • Soft Skills 

  • Communication skills

  • Add-on or vocational courses

  • Exit programme

  • Information dissemination 

  • Disability Sensitisation to trainers 

  • New professional trends and events, job profiles, leadership roles, entrepreneurship, market needs, and risks

Major events


  1. Pre-Placement Training 



  • From June 15th to July 2nd, 2016

  • Assisted with Volunteer from Technopark 

  • Hands-on Software Testing Workshop 

  • Following the training, they all completed a month-long internship at Khahoo Foods Pvt Ltd in Bangalore

  • Provided with complimentary boarding and accommodation.


BCS graduates attending an online session with CEO, Khahoo Foods Pvt Ltd prior to the internship. Ms Roshni V N, Faculty, BCS interpreting the training.

  1. Software Testing Training by NISH Alumni 



  •  from 3rd January to 6th January, 2017

  • Participants from five senior students of BSc (Computer Science)(HI)

  • The training was conducted by the 

·   Mr Balu Gopakumar, Software Engineer, Allianz India, Technopark, Trivandrum

·         Mr Aneesh Kukku, System Engineer, UST Global Inc., Technopark, Trivandrum

·         Mr Rajesh Kannan, UI/UX Engineer, Envestnet Asset management India, Pvt Ltd

·         Mr Bhargav Dutta, Allianz India, Technopark, Trivandrum

·         Mr Appu C, QA Engineer, Envestnet Asset management India, Pvt Ltd

·         Mr Ahamed Saheen, Software Developer, UST Global Inc., Technopark, Trivandrum

They are BSc (Computer Science)(HI) graduates from NISH. 

  1. Premium Membership by ICT Academy of Kerala

NISH is a Premier Member of ICTAK 2020-21 & 2021-22. 

ICT Academy of Kerala is a Social Enterprise created in Public Private Partnership mode (PPP) for importing ICT skills to the youths of Kerala and improving their employability opportunity in the industry. In order to provide the bright students of the Academic Institutions with opportunities to obtain a gainful career, ICT Academy of Kerala (ICTAK) is forming this Premium membership programme with select Institutions in the state. The institutions will be selected based on a set of criteria. There is no financial commitment. Free ToT, FDP, Skill training (Online) by ICTAK.

Faculty members attended trainings like Webinar on Digital Classroom – The Agile way series, Virtual Workshop on "Instructional Design using Agile-ADDIE" with 3 live webinars and hands on training sessions, Salesforces 5 days FDP on “Become Job ready for developers”, Andoid Development with Kotlin -Trainint the Trainer workshop. Students attended Become Job ready for developer. 


  1. Coordinator, TIP visited various companies located in Thiruvananthpuram and Bangalore where NISH graduates are employed.

Along with NISH Graduates employed in different companies in Trivandrum

Along with NISH Graduates employed in several companies in Bengaluru

Met with the supervisor of a NISH graduate employed in CapGemini


Career Awareness Workshop

  1. Career Awareness Workshop 

Enable India team conducted the day-long workshop on 26th May, 2016  for 30 final year students of NISH. The workshop provided the students with practical information on all aspects of employability for Deaf. The workshop was instructor led with power point presentation, real world example videos, and group activities designed specifically for Deaf students in a highly 

Report on Career Guidance Workshop – NISH Conducted by Youth4Jobs

The ambition of College Connect program gained momentum when we were able to train and provide employment opportunities for larger pool of graduates from Colleges and Universities in its inception year. With the same ambition outh4Jobs(Y4J) is expanding its boundaries geographically to touch the lives of numerous students. 

Association with NISH

Youth4Jobs realised greater number of students are completing their graduation every year from National Institute of Speech and Hearing(NISH), Trivandrum and it will be added value if we can support them in identifying the better employment opportunities. 

In this regard, Youth4Jobs organised one day workshop to the students in NISH at their campus on 13-03-2019

The primary objectives of the workshop were 

● Shifting the mindsets of student from unawareness to awareness about careers

● Hersey to informal decision about their career choice

● To assess the skills of the students

A team of five members lead by Mr.Durai Kannan comprising of Mr.Rajesh Khanna, Mr.Mohan, Mr.Murugan and Mr.Muthu conducted this workshop. The workshop was planned with different activities to engage the students effectively . 

Mr.Ramesh presided the sessions and Mr. Muthu and Mr. Mohan were interpreting for the students. 

More than 100 students enrolled in NISH participated in this career oriented workshop. 

Following these sessions Mr.Ramesh presented about the activities carried out and support rendered to students through College Connect program. 

Assessments for Final Year students

An assessment for final year students were conducted to understand their skills and plan for their future trainings. A separate assessment papers were shared for Fine Arts / Commerce and Computer Science students. 

Stream Total # of students

Fine Arts Commerce Computer Science


9 8 37

The assessments were evaluated to share their feedbacks. An heat map on the scores were drawn to share the feedback with the Management of the institution.   


Delegates from NISH and Youth4Jobs after the way forward meeting


Mr.Ramesh Duraikannan conducting workshop for the students


Students attending Career guidance workshop

 Students taking their assessment

  1. Profiling the DHI alumni and Students by Enable India 



Date: 27th May, 2016

Conducted by: Enable India team

Assisted by: NISH BSc (Computer Scence)(HI) graduates volunteered  

Participants: NISH Alumni (exited or graduated), Deaf adults from various places of Kerala - 137 candidates 

Mode of presentations:  powerpoint presentation, real-world examples films, and group activities 

Level 1: basic employability session

Level 2: simple English writing test

Level 3:  individual profiling of all the candidates.
Level 4: Group profiling 

Level 5: Communication Cards and Employability Training Video CDs, Certificates

  1. Youth for job



The batch was planned to start on 19th of May 2019 with 18 students who are from different academic backgrounds. The registrations were done and on 19th May the orientation was given to both parents and the students. The Batch 1 was started on 20th May 2019 and ended on 22nd July 2019. The batch consisted of 18 students of which 13 were from BSC Computer Science background, 2 students from BCom background, 1 MFA student, 1 MSC Computer Science and 1 Diploma student.The training was given on English, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, interview skills, employability skills and Computers. The students were also taken for an exposure visit at Xpetise Technology solutions in Techno Park in which the students were able to understand the sectors of software development and the skills that are necessary to be part of such a team. The students were taken for the Job Fair at Model Career Centre Trivandrum on 23rd July 2019. There were total 9 students taken for attending the interviews in 2 different companies of which 6 students were shortlisted by ECESIS.

·         ECESIS BPO Services Pvt. Ltd - 6 students attended

·         Popular Hyundai – 3 students attended

The training was done by the trainers Mr Murugan K for Quantitative Aptitude and Computers, Miss Anuja V for English, Logical Reasoning, Interview Skills, Mr Mohan as Sign Language Interpreter and Miss Devtha V as Sign Language Interpreter. Archana V was the Project Executive.

11 of our students attended interviews at various organisations, of which 3 were placed. The interviews were from the following companies;

Name of the Company

Students attended

Job role

SAP, Bangalore

1.      Aryalekshmi V.S (BSc.Computer Science)

2.      Aby Elias (BSc.Computer Science)

Intern developer- Machine Learning

Xpetize Technology Solutions, Trivandrum.

1.      Aryalekshmi V.S (BSc.Computer Science)

2.      Muth M Ajith (MSc. Computer Science)

Technical Recruiter

Popular Hyundai, Kollam and Trivandrum

1.      Sreelesh S (BCom)

2.      Biji Chacko (Diploma)

3.      Vishnu S (BCom)


ECESIS BPO Services, Trivandrum

1.      Abhilash OT (BSc.Computer Science)

2.      Merlin Varghese (BSc.Computer Science)

3.      Meenu Muralinathan (BSc.Computer Science)

4.      Vishnu R (BSc.Computer Science)

5.      Basil Varghese (MFA)

6.      Vishnu S (BCom)

Process Associate

Our student, Muth M Ajith was placed in Xpetise Technology Solutions at Techno Park, Trivandrum as a Technical Recruiter. Abhilash OT and Vishnu Rwere placed in ECESIS BPO Services Pvt Ltd, Trivandrum as Process Associates.

The learning from the first batch was very crucial and of great importance for the entire Trivandrum Team. As per the feedback received from the students as well as the NISH faculties the following are the learning:

·         The English lessons seemed to be repetitive for few times for the students as they had already undergone English Grammar classes during their preparatory year.

·         More practical and less theoretical take on English was a very important lesson which was learned.

·         Need of a permanent Sign language interpreter. As the entire class was consisted of SHI candidates it was really important to have an interpreter who is available for the entire span of the training.

·         To identify a simpler content for Quantitative Aptitude as the one which was been taught was difficult for the students.

·         Change the pattern of class delivery. More activity based classes and seminars are necessary for the students and few concepts had to be given to the students themselves to deliver.


Learning from the experiences of the first batch, there were certain changes made in the curriculum and the delivery method for the 2nd batch. The most important change was in the content used for teaching English and Aptitude. The changes that were made in the 2nd batch are given below:

·         English content was changed to the TISS module which had Reading, Writing and conversational English practices.

·         The quantitative Aptitude content was changed to The NUDGE module, which had basic level Mathematics exercises.

·         New soft skill content was added to the curriculum which was called “Choices”, this was to improve the skills in taking life decisions in the crucial times of the candidates.

·         Sessions for the candidates to take seminars was added to the method of delivery.

·         Sessions for preparing and presenting projects based on the field of study of the students was also added to the new curriculum.

·         One important addition to the training was to strictly adhere to the formal dressing code by the candidates.

After updating the curriculum, and discussing it with the Y4J team as well as the NISH faculties, the batch was started on 26th August 2019 and ended on 7th November 2019. There were 21 students in the batch. These students were shortlisted from the total 30 registration through a skill check conducted on 19th August at NISH. All the students who registered whom were not a graduate from NISH attended the skill check.

The batch consisted of 9 BSC Computer Science students, 11 BCom students and one BFA student. There was an Employer Talk by ECESIS BPO Services Pvt. Ltd on 15th October 2019 at NISH in which the Centre Manager Mr. Shebin Koshy gave a talk on the rising needs of the BPO Sectors and the skills required to establish a career on ITES Sector. The HR of ECESIS, Mr Diju conducted an Assessment Test for the students from which 4 were selected as Process Associate based on their scores.

The students were taken for an exposure visit at FAYA Innovations Pvt. Ltd in Techno Park, Trivandrum where the students were able to understand the sectors of software development and the skills that are necessary to be part of such a team. Also they were able to get an exposure on their specific field of interest such as Software Testing, Wed Designing, Finance and Administration and Software Development.

The students were taken for the Mega Job Fair at MACFAST College, Thiruvalla on 9th November 2019. 12 Students from both the batches were present of which 5 were from the first and 7 from the second batch. The companies approached during the job fair are the following:

1.  Muthoot Health Care Plus- Typist

2.  AABASOFT Business Services – Process Executive

3.  POABS Group – Jr.Accountant/ Cashier

4.  Muthoot Finance Ltd – Audit Executive

5.  AZYM Technologies – Graphic and Web Designer

6.  NIPPON Toyota – Insurance

7.  WAVES GROUP OF Companies – Admin Executive, Accountant

As the companies were not recruiting Speech and Hearing Impaired candidates the students could not get shortlisted. However, contacts were established with the companies and details were taken for future endeavours together. Also the officials of Alappuzha Employment Exchange have shown interest in working with Youth4jobs in the upcoming future.

The training was done by the trainers Mr Murugan K for Quantitative Aptitude and Computers, Mr Kumaran for Computers, Miss Anuja V for English, Logical Reasoning, Interview Skills, Miss Gayathri for Computers, Logical Reasoning, Interview Skills and Miss Arya CV as Sign language Interpreter.

10 students got the placement opportunities in various companies. The details are as follows:

Name of Company

Students attended

Job Role

ECESIS BPO Services Pvt. Ltd

1.  Vinitha. W (BCom)

2.  Jebin Simon (BCom)

3.  Harikrishnan D (BSc Com Science)

4.  Dennis Saji Philip (BSc Com Science)

5.  Anjali C (BSc Com Science)

6.  Vishnu VS (BFA)

Process Associate

ECESIS BPO Services Pvt. Ltd

1.  Jithu Paul (BSc Com Science)

Android Software Developer

Shrewd Solutions

1.  Dennis Saji Philip (BSc Com Science)

2.  Jithu Paul (BSc Com Science)

3.  Liji Reji (BSc Com Science)

4.  Anjali C (BSc Com Science)

Android Development and Web Designing

Wintellen Tech Studio Pvt. Ltd

1.  Harikrishnan D (BSc Com Science)

2.  John Bose (BSc Com Science)

3.  Liji Reji (BSc Com Science)

Software Development and Web Designing

Wintellen Tech Studio Pvt. Ltd

1.  Anjali C (BSc Com Science)

Software Testing

Prayan Animation

1.  Vishnu VS


Animations Media

1.  Vishnu VS

Layout/ Background artist

As Vishnu V S couldn’t get placement in Animations Media, he was given an opportunity to get training in Animation from there. On 27th November 2019, Vishnu joined in the company for training. The On the Job training is for 3 to 6 months. As per the improvement in his work, they will be able to place them in the company.


·         No. of Students trained: 39

·         No. of Students approached regarding the training: 36 (other than trained candidates).

·         Including the TISS Module and Nudge Module for teaching English and Mathematics.

·         Printed workbooks for the students in the 2nd batch.

·         Activities conducted during training: Employer talk, Exposure Visits.

·         Posts in which the students are working: Software Developer, Process Associates, Technical Recruiter.

·         1 candidate doing On The Job Training in Animation Media.

·         Highest Salary: 16000/- (Software Developer).


As part of the tie-ups to me made, the Project Executive had visits to various government organisations, NGOs, various other companies...etc.

Govt Organisations:

·         Special Employment Exchange, Trivandrum

·         Employment exchange, Trivandrum

·         State Commissionerate for Differently Abled

·         CII, Trivandrum


·         Bethany Rehabilitation Center for Differently Abled, Trivandrum

·         Kerala Rehabilitation Institute for Physically Affected, Aluva, Kochi

·         Oorja, Kochi

Companies- contacted more than 70 companies of IT, ITes and Retail Sectors:

Ø  Contacted more than 70 companies through mail, phone calls and direct meetings. Some of the companies are: Xpetize Technology Solutions, InApp Information Technologies, IBS Software Services, RR Donnelley, Allianz Technology, SRS Global Technologies, Navigant BPM Private Ltd, Polus Software Pvt. Ltd…etc.

Retail sector:

1.  Big Bazaar, Trivandrum

2.  Reliance Trendz

3.  Landmark Group

4.  Pothys

5.  Kalyan Jwellers

6.  Malabar Gold


1.  Muthoot Fincorp

2.  Manappuram Gold

3.  South India Bank

4.  Axis Bank



We have tied up with the Allianz group in Trivandrum for the future endeavours. A sensitization workshop have been planned for the Disability week which is 1st week of December. The Corporate team of Youth4Jobs Foundation and the Trivandrum college connect team will be conducting it.


Wintellen Techstudio from Coimbatore have selected 4 of our candidates from BSc Computer Science background. They are open to recruit more speech and hearing candidates from Youth4Jobs Foundations in the upcoming future. Youth4Jobs will be collaboratively working with them.


As the new branch of Sutherland has started functioning in Cochin, they would like to hire people with Speech and Hearing Impairment in their projects. They have a 10 days of training program in which they will be assessing the candidates’ skill level after which they will be shortlisted for various roles. The initial meetings are going on and will be initiating new endeavours together soon.


Class activities done by Students



Batch 1- Exposure Visit to Xpetize Technology 


Job Fair at Model Career Center, Trivandrum



Employer Talk and Assessment test conducted by Ecesis BPO Services 



Batch 2- Exposure Visit to FAYA Innovations Private Limited



2nd Batch students after Certificate Distribution



  1. Off campus semester 


The first batch of BCom (HI) and BSc Computer Science (HI) students were offered an internship of three months at Thomson Reuters from Jan 16 to April 12, 2017. As the students were doing their internship in their final semester in Bangalore, classes were conducted off campus. The theoretical paper “Software testing and documentation''for  BSc students were conducted online. All the theoretical papers for BCom students were also conducted online. The classes were conducted in shifts as per the internship schedule. This was the first time that BSc (HI)& BCom(HI) students completed an off campus semester.  

  1. Paid Internships

Four  B.Sc. (Computer Science)(HI) VIII semester students (2013-2017 batch) underwent a three months internship program at Thomson Reuters, Bangalore from 16/1/17 to 12/4/17. 


Fourteen B.Sc. (Computer Science)(HI)  graduates underwent internship program at Khahoo Foods Pvt Ltd, Bangalore 15 June 2016 to 2 July 2016.  


Paid internship for the first batch of BCom (HI) and BSc Computer Science (HI)       students were offered at Thomson Reuters 


  1. Skill Development Programs


MoU was signed by Dr. Samuel N. Mathew, Executive Director, NISH and Dr. M. T. Reju IAS, Director ASAP on 11th July, 2016 at the office Director, ASAP

Animator in 2016, Designer CAD in 2016  and  Assistant Fashion Designer in 2018

National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) competency level 4

Evaluation and Certification by Skill Council for PwD, Sector Skill Council and NSDC


Features of the skill programs offered

  • Revamped the course materials

  • ToT for disability sensitisation and Indian Sign Language

  • Introduced Foundation Module- Communicative English

  • Included Soft Skills and Information Technology

  • Qualification Pack (QP)  training

  • Industry internship

  • Completely Sponsored by ASAP

  • Placement Support by ASAP

17/8/16 to 24/9/16


10 students

17 DHI graduates and one exit student

17/8/16 to 24/9/16

Designer CAD

11 students

27/10/16 to 5/11/16

Internship- Animator

10 studnts

1/10/16 to 2/11/16

Internship- Designer CAD

11 students

7/5/18 to 27/7/18

Assistant Fashion Designer

10 students

1/8/18 to 30/1/18

Internship- Assistant  Fashion Designer

10 students


AFD students receiving job placement order from ATDC authorities.


  1. Communicative English for NISHians employed in Thiruvananthapuram (CENT)


NISH Graduates employed in various companies in Thiruvananthapuram were given communicative English training by the faculty of English and volunteers. The sessions were conducted on saturdays. Special modules were prepared by the English faculty members. 

  1. PC Software for exit students

Inorder to assist the exit students to get a job, NISH offered PC Software course. 


The Committee to Adress Sexual Harassment at NISH (CASH-NISH) has been formed at NISH to address the issues under Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and students in higher educational institutions, Regulations 2015. The committee addresses complaints of sexual harassment of any kind from students and teaching and non-teaching members and takes necessary action. NISH has a zero-tolerance policy toward any such transgression. We are committed to providing a safe and conducive work and academic environment to students and employees and is extremely alert to matters pertaining to any kind of harassment and gender sensitivity.

(Internal Complaints Committee to prevent sexual harassment)

In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015 read with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 and in partial modification by UGC, the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is reconstituted as under to deal with complaints relating to sexual harassment at work place.

The committee has been constituted by the Executive Director and has the following members.


Dr. Anne Varghese,

Head-Allied Services


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+91 471 2944614


Ms. Neena M,

Degree (HI)


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+91 471 2944677


Ms. Sherin Joy,



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99952 52674



Ms. Sindhu IV



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94461 53151



Ms. Manju S



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94953 92946



Ms. Sonia R



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Adv. Meera Prasannan, NGO, Sakhi, Women Resource Centre


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Student Representatives:


ASLP student


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BOT student


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Degree (HI) student


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This committee will oversee all complaints from employees, students or visitors regarding sexual harassment. A sub-committee will perform the investigation and report to the full body CASH-NISH so as to review and take appropriate action.

The ICC shall comply with the procedure prescribed in the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015 and the Sexual Harassment Act for inquiring into the complaint in a time bound manner.

If the ICC concludes that the allegations made were false or malicious, or the complaint was made knowing it to be untrue or forged, or misleading information has been provided during the inquiry, the complainant shall be liable to be punished as per the relevant provision of the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015.

The Convenor, CASH-NISH shall receive the written/signed/verbal/typed complaints of sexual harassment, if any, on behalf of ICC and shall coordinate the deliberations of the ICC on the complaints received.

Who can approach ICC for help?

Any student, faculty, staff or client of the National Institute of Speech & Hearing.

Definition of Sexual Harassment

"Sexual harassment" includes any unwelcome sexually inclined behaviour, whether directly or indirectly, such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favours
  • Sexually coloured remarks
  • Showing any pornography, or
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

What are the possible actions that can be taken against the accused if found guilty?

  • Warning
  • Written apology
  • Bond of good behaviour
  • Adverse remark in the confidential report
  • Stopping of increments/promotion
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal
  • Any other relevant actions

If you think you are being harassed, what should you do?

  • Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or submit your grievances HERE.
  • To know more about ICC procedures, click (English) here.
  • You may also refer to www.shebox.nic.in

Your complaint will be kept CONFIDENTIAL

Inquiry process

  • The inquiry shall be completed within a period of ninety days from the date of complaint.
  • On completion of the inquiry, the ICC shall provide a report of its findings to the Executive Director within a period of fifteen days from the date of completion of the inquiry and such report be made available to the concerned parties.
  • If the allegations against the respondent has been proved, it shall recommend punitive actions to be taken against the respondent to the Executive Director.
  • The Executive Director shall act upon the recommendation within sixty days of

receiving it.


 All female faculty members, non-teaching staff and students must bear in mind that such complaints are of an extremely serious nature and should, on no account, be made in a frivolous manner. This platform should not be misused to settle personal scores, or for any other non-genuine reason

Useful documents and notices


Click above to raise complaints
of caste discrimination against Dalit students.

Connect with us

  • Address: NISH, NISH Road, Sreekariyam P. O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 017
  • Site: www.nish.ac.in
  • Email : nishinfo@nish.ac.in
  • Phone: ++91-471- 2944666, 2596919, 2596920
  • Toll Free: 18004253323
  • Fax: ++91-471- 2944699
  • Office Timing: 08:30 A.M to 05:00 P.M on all working days. 

    Contact Us

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