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Various Committee in NISH

I Advisory Committees


1.1 Core Operations Group (COG)

The COG is the Executive Director’s immediate advisory and strategic support group to oversee the daily operations on campus - academic and non-academic. It was formed to discuss matters related to the campus in general and to arrive at decisions. The COG consists of all department heads. The COG meets regularly every month on the first Wednesday from 9.30 am to 10.30 am. Additional meetings are convened as required by the Executive Director. Minutes of the meetings are prepared by the Administration in Charge and are kept as record of the decisions. The Student Council Chairperson (or in his/her absence another Student Council representative), is invited for the first fifteen minutes of the meeting to present grievances, if any, of the student community. The group was constituted in July 2011.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)

  • Dr Anne Varghese, Senior Psychologist, Head Allied Services Dept

  • Ms Shirly G., Head, New Initiatives
  • Ms Soja Oliver, AO (Responsible for MOM)

  • Ms Bini Mahesh, In Charge HR

  • Ms Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator, Academic & Intervention Programs

  • Mr Gopakumar, Finance Officer

  • Dr Vinitha Mary George, Sr. Lecturer & Head, Dept. Of  ASLP
  • Ms Raji Gopal, Coordinator-Degree (HI); Faculty - HEFP

  • Ms Sapna K., Incharge- CCMD

  • Ms Sindhu I.V, Coordinator, DECSE

  • Dr Suja Kunnath (Associate professor, HoD, Department of NDS)

  • Ms Rejitha L., Social Worker

  • Mr Tomy Varghese, Librarian

  • Mr Shaji S.V., Sr. Software Engineer

  • Mr Vikranth, Physical Education Instructor


 1.2 International advisory board

An international Advisory Board was formed for NISH in 2009. The purpose was to have a team of experts who are well established in their field as well as have an interest in the field of disabilities and rehabilitation, who could come together to provide insights and advice to the Executive Director. Their interaction and periodic video and audio conference calls are carried out to provide insights in matters of global partnerships and brainstorm ideas that may be interesting to the growth of NISH. The Board members are also to spread in their circles of influence as appropriate about NISH and its activities. The IAB will have a similar role when reconstituted with the formation of the new University under formation.


Members: To be reconstituted


II Committees which are mandatory as per Supreme Court, UGC, KU,KUHS,  ISO guidelines


2.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The objective of the IQAC is to develop a quality system for conscious, consistent and catalytic programmed action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institute and to promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internationalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices. It was constituted on 28/05/2015. The IQAC meets every 4 months.



  1. Executive Director (Chairperson)

  2. Dr K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director - CATI

  3. Ms Shirly G., Head, New Initiatives (Coordinator, IQAC)

  4. Dr Ajimsha K.M., Clinical Manager - India & SE Asia, Advanced Bionics India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore,  (Alumnus)

  5. Ms Anju V.J., Psychologist

  6. Ms. Chithra Prasad A.N., Faculty, HEFP

  7. Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator, A & IP

  8. Ms Parvathy Pavithran, Faculty, CS

  9. Dr Vinitha Mary George, Head, Dept. Of  ASLP

  10. Ms Raji Gopal, Coordinator, DHI

  11. Ms Raji N.R., In-charge, CS

  12. Ms Sindhu I.V.,Coordinator, DECSE

  13. Ms Sreebha Sreedhar, Faculty, ASLP

  14. Dr Sreekumar, VP, SUNTEC, Technopark

  15. Dr Suja Kunnath, HOD, NDS

  16. Prof Vijayakumar

  17. Mr Solomon Robert, IV year BSc (Computer Science)(HI) (Student)

  18. Ms Maria M. Reji, II year BASLP (Student)

  19. Ms Rejitha, Social Worker

  20. Mr Gopakumar, Finance Officer


2.2 Academic Council

​The Academic council oversees and monitors effective strategies for curriculum development, teaching learning methods, and trains the staff on recent technological and conceptual advancement in the curriculum management. It was constituted on 7/2/2014. The academic council at NISH currently has only an advisory role since the academic decisions regarding curriculum are approved by the Academic Council of Kerala University. The Academic Council with statutory powers will be constituted after the formation of the University.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)

  • Dr Suja Kunnath, Associate professor, Department of NDS (Convenor)

  • Ms Shirly G., New Initiatives, IQAC Coordinator
  • Dr Anne Varghese, Senior Psychologist

  • Ms Daisy Sebastian (Coordinator, Academic & Intervention Programs)

  • Ms Vinitha Mary George, Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of ASLP
  • Ms Raji Gopal, Coordinator-Degree (HI), Faculty - HEFP)

  • Mr Rakesh, In-charge, Fine Arts

  • Ms Raji N.R., In-charge, CS

  • Mr Sukesh, In-charge, Commerce
  • Mr Tomy Varghese, Librarian

  • Ms Sindhu I V, Coordinator-DECSE,Faculty-EIP


2.3 Anti-Ragging Committee:

As per the directions of the Supreme Court of India, UGC and the University of Kerala regulations require the formation of anti-ragging committee and anti-ragging squad. This was constituted in 2010 at NISH. Changes regarding members of the committee, members of the squad and steps to be taken to curb ragging at NISH are implemented from time to time. A copy of the UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institutions is given to each student admitted to the first year degree program. Affidavit by the new students, senior students and parents/guardians are collected every year from all students. The goal at NISH is to eliminate completely this bad behavior through counseling, creating awareness and encouraging students to think differently. The ARC meets at least twice in a year and reviews the situation.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)

  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director -CATI

  • Ms. Jiby Mariam Babu -ASLP(Convener)
  • Ms. Raji Gopal, Coordinator – DHI (Secretary)

  • Ms. Sherin Rehman – DHI (Secretary)     

  • Representative of Police Department

  • Mr. Arun Gopal, Teacher Associate, EIP
  • Ms. Athira L.S., Representative: non-teaching staff
  • Ms. Sreedevi Pillai, Representative of local media
  •  Ms. Soja Oliver, Administrative Officer
  •  Ms Sheena, Representative of NGO-youth activity
  •  Parents of 2 First Year Students
  • Representative - 2 first year students
  • Chairman - College Union
  • Vice Chairman - College Union


2.4 The Committee Against Sexual Harassment at NISH (CASH-NISH):

(Internal Complaints Committee to prevent sexual harassment)

In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations, 2015 read with Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and in partial modification by UGC, Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is re-constituted as under to deal with complaints relating to sexual harassment at workplace.

The committee has been constituted by the Executive Director and has the following members.




Ms Daisy Sebastian (Chairperson), Coordinator-Academic and Intervention Programs



Ms. Raji Gopal (Convenor), Coordinator-Degree (HI)



Dr. Anne Varghese (Member), Head - Allied Services



Dr. Vinitha George (Member), Head-  ASLP



Mr. Gopakumar G (Member), Finance Officer



Ms. Anu J. Rajan, (Member), Faculty - Degree (HI)


996-110-4779 (SMS only)

Ms Raji NR (Member), Incharge- BSc CS



Ms. Soja Oliver (Member),  Administrative Officer



Adv. Elsamma Prayikalam (Member)- Representative of NGO- SAKHI



This committee will oversee all complaints from employees, students or visitors regarding sexual harassment. A sub-committee will perform the investigation and report to the full body CASH-NISH so as to review and take appropriate action.

The ICC shall comply with the procedure prescribed in the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015 and the Sexual Harassment Act for inquiring into the complaint in a time-bound manner.

If the ICC concludes that the allegations made were false or malicious, or the complaint was made knowing it to be untrue or forged, or misleading information has been provided during the inquiry, the complainant shall be liable to be punished as per the relevant provision of the aforementioned UGC Regulations 2015.

The Convenor, CASH-NISH shall receive the written/signed/verbal/typed complaints of sexual harassment, if any, on behalf of ICC and shall coordinate the deliberations of the ICC on the complaints received.

Who can approach CASH-NISH for help?

Any student, faculty, staff or client of the National Institute of Speech & Hearing.

Definition of Sexual Harassment

"Sexual harassment" includes any unwelcome sexually inclined behaviour, whether directly or indirectly, such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favours
  • Sexually coloured remarks
  • Showing any pornography, or
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

What are the possible actions that can be taken against the accused if found guilty?

  • Warning
  • Written apology
  • Bond of good behaviour
  • Adverse remark in the confidential report
  • Stopping of increments/promotion
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal
  • Any other relevant actions

If you think you are being harassed, what should you do?

  • Send an email to cashnish@nish.ac.in or submit your grievances HERE.
  • To know more about ICC procedures, click (English) here.
  • You may also refer to www.shebox.nic.in

Your complaint will be kept CONFIDENTIAL

Inquiry process 

  • The inquiry shall be completed within a period of ninety days from the date of complaint.
  • On completion of the inquiry, the ICC shall provide a report of its findings to the Executive Director within a period of fifteen days from the date of completion of the inquiry and such report be made available to the concerned parties.
  • If the allegations against the respondent has been proved, it shall recommend punitive actions to be taken against the respondent to the Executive Director.
  • The Executive Director shall act upon the recommendation within sixty days of

receiving it. 


 All female faculty members, non-teaching staff and students must bear in mind that such complaints are of an extremely serious nature and should, on no account, be made in a frivolous manner. This platform should not be misused to settle personal scores, or for any other non-genuine reason 

Useful documents and notices


2.5 Alumni Association

Alumni association is an association of former students of NISH from the post-secondary programs. Two staff coordinators oversee the functioning of the Alumni Association. An annual meeting is organized in the second Saturday of August every year. The annual meeting is for half a day with opportunities for the alumni to interact with their old friends, teachers and present students. There is an annual and life-time membership offered to the Alumni. All students who graduate are given free membership for the first year after graduation.

The Coordinator and Treasurer of the Alumni Association will be staff members nominated by the Executive Director. Two secretaries are selected from the available alumni members who attend the annual meeting.

The Alumni Association aims to strengthen the professional networking, foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students and between the Alumni and the staff. It provides information about the current activities at NISH. The Alumni Association has been functioning from 2013 onwards. Every year, a committee is elected to oversee the activities for the upcoming year. A separate bank account operated jointly by the Staff Member and Executive Director is maintained to keep the funds available.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)

  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director - CATI)

  • Ms. Chithra Prasad A.N. (Treasurer)

  • Mr. Sanu P. Chukkiri & Ms. Lekha S. Nair (Secretaries)

  • Ms. Saumya Sundaram (Alumni Coordinator)    


2.6 College Union

College union is created mainly to address the problems of students and to provide various awareness programs in and outside campus.

 The committee consists of:

  • Patron              :           Executive Director
  • Chairperson      :          Mr. K. C. Deepak
  • Vice Chairperson:         Ms. Vineetha Susan Babu
  • General Secretary:       Mr. Suhas Mohandas
  • Councillor for the University Union: Ms. Anupama Jayan
  • Editor of the college magazine:   Ms. Nafla P.
  • Arts Club Secretary:     Ms. Aswathy P. S.
  • Secretary for sports:    Ms. B. Abhiramy
  • Staff Advisors: Ms. Arya Chand (Faculty, ASLP) - Staff advisor
  • Ms. Lisha C (Faculty, Degree HI) - Coordinator



2.7 Steering Committee for Quality Management System

Steering committee provide valuable input about systems and processes for quality management systems development of the Institute. It was constituted on 22/05/2013.



  •  Executive Director (Chairperson)
  •  Dr. K. G. Satheesh Kumar, Director, CATI
  •  Ms. Shirly G., Head, New Initiatives (ISO Team Lead)
  •  Dr. Akila Surendran, Senior Engineer, CATI
  •  Dr. Anne Varghese, Senior Psychologist
  •  Ms. Arya Chand, Lecturer (ASLP)
  •  Ms. Arya S.S., Lecturer (ASLP)
  •  Ms. Athira, Asst. Librarian
  •  Ms. Bindu P., Faculty- EIP
  •  Ms. Bini Mahesh, In-charge - HR
  •  Ms. Chithra Prasad A.N., In-charge - HEFP
  •  Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator, Academics & Intervention Programs
  •  Ms. Jeena Mary Joy, Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of  ASLP
  •  Ms. Neena M., Faculty, CS
  •  Ms. Parvathy Pavithran, Faculty, CS
  •  Ms. Praveena Davis, Asst. Professor, Academic Coordinator, Dept. of  ASLP
  •  Ms. Raji Gopal, Coordinator, DHI
  •  Ms. Rejitha L., Social Worker
  •  Ms. Saumya Sundaram, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ASLP
  •  Mr. Shaji S.V., Sr. Software Engineer
  •  Ms. Sheeja Madhusoodhanan, Faculty-EIP
  •  Ms. Sindhu I.V, Coordinator - DECSE, Faculty- EIP
  •  Ms. Soja Oliver, Administrative Officer
  •  Dr. Suja Kunnath, Head, NDS
  •  Mr. Sukesh Chandran B.R., Faculty, Dept. of Commerce
  •  Ms. Swapna P., Senior Graphic Artist
  •  Ms. Veena P. Saradhi, Faculty-EIP
  •  Mr. Vikranth C.K., Dept. of Physical Education


2.8 Internal Auditors Committee

The purpose of the Internal Auditors’ Committee is to perform internal audits to check how the quality management system of the Institute is working. An internal audit is conducted twice a year. Internal Auditors committee was formulated on 13/1/2013.

List of certified Internal Auditors of Quality Management Systems as per ISO 9001:2015


  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Shirly G., Head, New Initiatives (ISO Team Lead)
  • Dr. Anne Varghese, Senior Psychologist
  • Ms. Arya Chand, Sr. Lecturer, Dept. of  ASLP
  • Ms. Arya S.S., Lecturer, Dept. of  ASLP
  • Ms. Bindu P., Faculty, EIP
  • Ms. Bini Mahesh, In-Charge - Administration
  • Ms. Chithra Prasad A.N., In-charge - HEFP
  • Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator, Academics & Intervention Programs
  • Ms. Jeena Mary Joy, Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of  ASLP
  • Ms. Neena M., Faculty, CS
  • Ms. Parvathy Pavithran, Faculty, CS
  • Ms. Praveena Davis, Academic Coordinator (ASLP)
  • Ms. Raji Gopal, Coordinator, DHI
  • Ms. Rejitha L., Social Worker
  • Ms. Saumya Sundaram, Asst. Professor, Dept. of  ASLP
  • Mr. Shaji S.V., Sr. Software Engineer
  • Ms. Sheeja Madhusoodhanan, Faculty- EIP
  • Ms. Sindhu I.V., Coordinator - DECSE, Faculty- EIP
  • Ms. Soja Oliver, Administrative Officer
  • Dr. Suja Kunnath, Head, NDS
  • Ms. Swapna P., Senior Graphic Artist
  • Ms. Veena P. Saradhi, Faculty- EIP


2.9 Planning Board-UGC

Planning Board was constituted on 22/9/2014 to formulate the institute’s proposal for development after identifying its needs and deciding on its priorities. This is as per the requirements of the UGC so that funds allocated can be effectively used.



  •  Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director - CATI
  • Ms. Shirly G., Head, New Initiatives (Convener)
  • Dr. Anne Varghese, Head, Allied Services Dept.
  • Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator, Academics & Intervention Programs
  • Mr. Gopakumar, Finance Officer
  • Dr. Vinitha Mary George, Head, Dept. of  ASLP
  • Ms. Raji Gopal, Coordinator, DHI
  • Ms. Sindhu I V, In-charge, DECSE (HI)
  • Dr. Suja Kunnath, Head, NDS


2.10 NISH Students' Grievances Redressal Cell (NISH-SGRC)

NISH is committed to provide best services and opportunities for the development of all its stakeholders, especially its students. To ensure a conducive learning environment free from any infringement on the rights of its students and to facilitate prompt resolution of grievances of students with sensitivity, NISH has constituted NISH Students' Grievances Redressal Cell (NISH-SGRC)on 13/11/2016.

Members :




Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator, Academic & Intervention Programs (Chairperson)   



Ms. Silvy Maxi Mena, Faculty, Dept. of HEFP (Secretary),



Mr. Rakesh P.S., Faculty, Dept. of Fine Arts  (Member)



Mr Madhur Arora, Student BFA (HI ), Sem. VII (Member)


976-037-4808 (SMS Only)


III Committees constituted for Faculty Improvement /Academic Development of students


3.1 Review Authority for Research (RAR)

RAR is formed as a review committee that oversees research studies done at NISH where the subjects are either staff, students or customers of NISH. Any research study done at NISH will have to be submitted first to the Review Authority for Research (RAR) and the team will review and suggest modifications or corrections as required. The final approval is required before start of the research study. The RAR will review and approve papers submitted to conferences and journals for publication. It was constituted in December, 2011.



  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director CATI (Chairperson)
  • Dr. Akila Surendran
  • Dr. Anne Varghese
  • Dr. Padmaja M.
  • Dr. Suja K. Kunnath

3.2 Library Advisory Committee (LAC)

LAC was constituted on 4/10/2013. Representations from various segments of staff and students form the committee. The Library Advisory Committee meets periodically as needed to review the operations, advice modifications and plans for introducing new services and technologies as appropriate. The MOM of the LAC is prepared and kept for records by the Librarian.


1. Dr. Suja K. Kunnath (Principal in Charge-Chairperson)
2. Mr. Tomy Varghese (Librarian-Convener)
3. Ms. Neena M (Faculty, Degree HI-Member)
4. Dr. Anjana A V (Member)
5. Ms. Deepa Riju (Faculty, EIP-Member)
6. Ms. Sangeetha G S (Faculty, Dept. of ASLP-Member)
7. Ms. Neethu Thampi (OT-Department of OT-Member)
8. Mr. Nabeel T P. (Student, BSc. Computer Science (HI)-Member)
9. Ms. Diya Elsa Benny, (Student, BASLP-Member)

3.3 Knowledge Enhancement and Learning Programme (KELP)

KELP is a programme started with the aim of providing a platform for enhancing professional and general knowledge for staff through various tools available online and offline. It is is intended to motivate the staff to utilize the available online resources effectively. This includes sharing interesting TED Talks, information about MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses), Youtube videos etc. Also KELP intends to start KELP - Dialogue where interactive sessions on specific topics are organized regularly. Regular meetings are organized to foster knowledge transfer. NISH Project Board has approved MOOC course fees to be reimbursed to staff who takes approved MOOC courses and applies for certificates. The KELP committee oversees evaluation and approval of MOOC courses at NISH. It is mandatory for each staff member to complete one MOOC course of interest every year.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Raji N.R., Dept. of Computer Science- Coordinator
  • Ms. Deepa, Faculty, EIP
  • Ms. Jeena Mary Joy, Asst. Professor & Head, Dept. of  ASLP
  • Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator -Academic and Intervention Program,


3.4 Ethics and Excellence Committee - ECG++

The ECG++ is the guiding group that ensures ethics and excellence in all the NISH activities. Communication, Branding, Motivational Talks, Monthly Interactions, Accountability, Keep the Fire Burning and Code of Ethics are the seven task forces responsible for various aspects of the mission of creating a culture of excellence and ethics. The main objectives of the committee are:

  • Encouragement of activities that will lead to the development of an inclusive setup
  • Commitment towards high standards and continuous improvement
  •  Demonstrating emotional intelligence, integrity and responsibility
  • Initiating discussions that will encourage openness, critical thinking, creativity and innovation.
  • Development of professionally positive and productive relationships
  • Communication and collaboration between departments with efficiency and effectiveness
  • Maintaining transparency and accountability from top, trickling to bottom including students
  • Getting the students into the culture of Excellence & Ethics guided by staff


Members :

  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  •  Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director CATI
  • Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator - Academics and Intervention Programs
  • Ms. Raji N.R., Dept. of Computer Science - Coordinator
  • Anju V J, Dept of Psychology
  • Sangeetha, Sr.Lecturer,  Dept. of ASLP
  • Asha Manoharan, Audiologist, Dept. of ASLP
  •  Veena Mohan, NDS
  • Sita Sreekumar, Sr.Lecturer,  Dept. of ASLP
  • Shyni, Dept of Physiotherapy
  • Parvathy B. S., Administration
  • Sapna K, EIP
  • Neetha M, EIP
  •  Jismon, Social Worker
  • Sukesh Chandran, DHI
  • Shiju R. V., DHI
  • Aarathy R., DHI
  • Sherin Rahman, DHI
  • Roshini V. N., DHI
  • Parvathy Pavithran, DHI
  • Shinchu Soman, DHI
  •  Manoj V. S., Library
  • Silvy Maxi Mena, DHI
  • Dr Akhila Surendran, CATI
  • Swapna P, CCMD


3.5    Staff Grievance Redressal committee

A Staff Grievance Redressal committee was constituted on 26/6/2018 to settle grievances of staff to create a healthy relationship in the organisation. The grievance will include any matter relating to staff. The committee is intended to contribute effectively to dispose of the grievances at the earliest.



  • Executive Director (Chairman)
  •  Dr. K G Satheesh Kumar, Director, CATI
  • Ms. Bini Mahesh, HR In-charge (Convenor)
  • Ms. Daisy Sebastian, Coordinator, Academic & Intervention Programs
  • Ms. Raji Gopal, Coordinator, DHI
  • Ms. Shirly G, Head, New Initiatives
  • Dr. Suja Kunnath, Head, NDS


IV Committees for Student Support


4.1 Bhoomithrasena Club

Bhoomithrasena has been contemplated under the state plan scheme for the colleges of the state for strengthening the commitments of the students towards environmental protection. Through this programme it is intended to take up environmental protection activities cum awareness extension at the grass root level. For strengthening the commitment of students at the college level in the state. It is proposed to launch the “Bhoomitra sena programmes”. Through this programme, it is intended to establish Bhoomitra Clubs (BMC) in all districts through the colleges of the state.



  • Organises seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environment.
  • Organises awareness camps to propagate waste minimization and personal hygiene habits and sustainable lifestyles.
  • Prepares locally relevant resource material and get it printed.
  • Action based on activities like tree plantation cleanliness drives both within and outside the college campus.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Rejitha L., Social Worker (Coordinator)


4.2 Cultural Club

The Cultural Club provides guidance, inspiration and opportunity to students to participate in individual and group activities. The club supports the students to participate in:

  • Intercollegiate festivals held by various colleges
  • Kerala University and KUHS Youth Festivals
  •  Institute Day Celebrations
  • Arts Festival organized by NISH college union
  • Special episodes of popular TV shows
  • Reality Shows of popular TV channels
  • Stage performance as part of the programs conducted by Government organizations.
  • The Cultural Club organises film festivals and self-defence sessions at NISH.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Chithra Prasad A.N., Faculty, Degree HI (Coordinator)
  • Ms. Swapna P., Sr. Graphic Artist


 4.3 Gravity Club

Gravity Club was formed to promote real integration among the hearing and hard of hearing students on campus. The main objective of the club is to promote the activities that will lead to an integrated society. The vision for Gravity Club is to represent and support an inclusive and vibrant student community in which members have the opportunity to create awareness about disability in society and maintain an integrated atmosphere on the campus. The main objective of the club is to promote the activities that will lead to an integrated society. The activities include:

  • Promoting various integrated activities
  • Organising various awareness programmes inside and outside the campus


 Staff coordinators:

  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director, CATI (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Raji N.R., In-charge, Dept. of Computer Science
  • Ms. Sreeba Sreedhar, Faculty, ASLP


4.4 Scholarship Committee

The scholarship committee is constituted by the Executive Director and consists of HODs of the different academic programs at NISH. The scholarship fund is raised from willing donors either through corpus funds created by them or by one time or regular contributions. NISH Scholarship fund provides financial support for academically brilliant but financially needy students at NISH. The committee was constituted  on 6/9/2012. A separate bank account is maintained from which Scholarship is disbursed. The committee oversees, evaluation, selection and disbursement of scholarship to students. Specific guidelines are formulated and followed to evaluate and select a student to receive scholarship. No application is required. Class coordinators are authorized to fill a matrix and submit applications of students who may be found eligible. The Scholarship committee reviews the same and selects the awardees based on the criteria. THe number of scholarships is determined by the funds available in the current year.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Daisy Sebastian (Coordinator)
  • HoD, ASLP Department
  • HoD, Degree (HI) Program
  • HoD, Early Intervention Program


V Committees constituted for outreach programs


5.1 Access Hub

Access Hub is a web resource about disability resources in India, developed in collaboration with School of Information University of Michigan Ann Arbor, CIS Bangalore and Inclusive Planet Chennai. Launched in June 2014, there is a team involved in maintaining and updating the website regularly with the policies, service providers, news etc.



  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director CATI (Chairperson)
  • Dr. Anne Varghese
  • Shaji S.V.
  • Arya Chand, ASLP (Co-ordinator)
  • Jumin Mary Joseph
  • Silvy Maxi Mena
  • Dr Akila Surendran (Supporting Member)


5.2 Parent support group for hearing impairment

The parent support group for parents of children with hearing impairment was formulated on 15/01/2014 with the objective to educate, empower and support parents of children who have been identified as having hearing loss. The goal of the support group is to conduct awareness classes by various professionals for the parents of children with hearing impairment and provide required strategic support from successful parents.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Jaya Lakshmi R., Faculty, EIP (Coordinator)
  • Ms. Jumin Mary Joseph, Psychologist
  • Ms. Rejitha L., Social worker (Supporting Coordinator)
  • Ms. Sapna K., Incharge - CCMD, Faculty - EIP 
  • Ms. Saritha (Parents Representative)
  • Ms. Sheela (Parents Representative)
  • Ms. Sita Sreekumar, Sr. Lecturer,  Dept. of ASLP



National Institute of Speech & Hearing (NISH) along with the Directorate of Social Justice conducts NISH Online Interactive Disability Awareness Seminar (NIDAS) on every third Saturday. It was started on November 2015. The purpose is to reach out across the globe to a large number of parents and caregivers, who are not aware of the implications of disability. Technical Evaluation Committee reviews the presentation, FAQ handout and vocational paper.



  • Executive Director
  • Ms. Shirly G. (Program Producer)
  • Ms. Saumya Sundaram (Convener)
  • Ms. Sindhu I. V. (Deputy Convener)


 Other Members of NIDAS Team:

  •  Ms. Sangeetha G.S. - Compere
  • Mr. Shaji S.V. - Technical Expert
  • Ms. Swapna P. - Graphic Designer


VI General Administration


6.1 Canteen Committee

The Canteen committee oversees the operation of the Cafeteria on campus. The committee is involved in the selection of the contractor, reviewing the operation periodically, collecting feedback from the consumers (students, staff, visitors) and recommending changes as needed from time to time. The committee aims to provide an enjoyable, nutritious and attractively presented selection of food and drink at reasonable prices. The Committee will do random checks and take feedback from consumers to ensure high standards of food safety and hygiene in relation with the preparation, storage and serving of food at the canteen consistent with the acceptable food standards. The committee provides an opportunity for the student community to participate in decisions concerning the operation of the canteen facility. It was constituted on 12/6/2011.



  • Executive Director
  • Mr. G. Gopakumar (Chairman)
  • Mr. Arjun Sankar, BSc 4th Sem (Student Member)
  • Ms. Asha Manoharan
  • Ms. Bini Mahesh, In-charge Administration
  • Mr. Dharmakumar 
  • Mr. Sandeep Krishnan
  • Mr. Shiju R. V.
  • Ms. Nihala K. P., BASLP 1st Year (Student Member)


6.2 Green Protocol Compliance Committee (GPCC)

The GPCC was constituted on 9/5/2018 replacing the former waste management committee. Further to the Green Protocol Compliance initiative of Haritha Kerala Mission, Government of Kerala, NISH formulated a Green Protocol Compliance Committee (GPCC) to ensure the GP compliance in our campus with the following members.

  • Executive Director
  • Prasanth R.L.
  • Arya S.S., ASLP
  • Daisy Sebastian
  • G. Gopakumar
  • Maya G.S.
  • Rejitha L.
  • Shiju R.V.
  • Shaji S.V.
  • Soja Oliver (Nodal Officer , Green Protocol)
  • Student Council Chairman & Vice Chairman
  • Veena Mohan P., Faculty, Dept. of NDS
  • Vikranth


6.3 Staff Bus Coordination Committee

The Staff Bus Coordination Committee is constituted on 30/10/2015. The primary aim is to solve matters arising out of staff transportation. Discussing and resolving individual grievances about the staff transportation service provided to NISH staff. They monitor timely running of buses, hence maintaining effective service to NISH staff.



  • Executive Director (Chairperson)
  • Ms. Soja Oliver, Administrative Officer
  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director CATI
  • Ms. Silvy Maxi Mena, HEFP
  • Ms. Sita Sreekumar, Sr. Lecture, Dept. of ASLP
  •  Ms. Veena Mohan P., Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist
  • Ms. Lamees Akbar, Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist


 6.4 Technical Committee

Technical Committee is in place for all major technical purchases - including equipment, computers, software etc. Director, Kerala State IT Mission (KSITM) is the Chairperson. The committee was constituted on 2/10/2015.



  • Executive Director
  • Dr. K.G. Satheesh Kumar, Director CATI
  •  Ms. Soja Oliver (Administrative Officer)
  • Mr. G. Gopakumar, Finance Officer
  • Mr. Shaji S.V., Sr. Software Engineer
  • Ms. Praveena Davis
  • Head (Technical), KSITM
  • A representative from CDAC Health Informatics Group


6.5 Construction Committee for civil works

Construction committee to oversee all civil works.



  • Executive Director
  • Mr. Madhavan Pillai, Retd. Chief Engineer & Consultant (Chairman)
  •  Ms. Soja Oliver, Administrative Officer
  •  Mr. Georgekutty, Retd. Executive Engineer & Consultant
  •  Mr. G Gopakumar, Finance Officer


6.6 Purchase Committee

This is a committee to take decisions on the procurement of IT goods, equipment and audiology instruments for NISH.

Procurement of goods and equipment costing below 5 lakhs:A purchase committee may be constituted for taking decisions on the purchases of goods and equipment of value between ₹1 lakh and ₹ 5 lakhs.

Procurement of goods and equipment costing above 5 lakhs: A purchase committee including an external expert related to the particular field may be constituted for making decisions on the purchases of goods and equipment of value of more than ₹ 5 lakh. The recommendations made by the purchase committee shall be further submitted to the technical committee if required and to the Project Board for approval.



  • Executive Director (Chairman)
  • Administrative Officer (Convenor)
  • HoD of the indent raising department
  • Finance Officer
  • Internal Technical Person/Consultant (If required)
  • External Expert related to the field



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  • Address: NISH, NISH Road, Sreekariyam P. O., Thiruvananthapuram 695 017
  • Site: www.nish.ac.in
  • Email : nishinfo@nish.ac.in
  • Phone: ++91-471- 2944666, 2596919, 2596920
  • Toll Free: 18004253323
  • Fax: ++91-471- 2944699
  • Office Timing: 08:30 A.M to 05:00 P.M on all working days. 

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