National Institute of Speech & Hearing
Accredited as Excellent Institution by RCI | Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade
Inviting sealed tenders in two cover system (technical and financial bid) for the supply of earmold material from competent and reputable vendors and suppliers for the earmold lab, ASLP Department at National Institute of Speech & Hearing (NISH), Thiruvananthapuram. Click here for more details.
Notice inviting tender for the maintenance (Electrical and IT Hardware) at NISH. Click here for more details.
ഭിന്നശേഷിക്കാര്ക്കായുള്ള തസ്തിക കണ്ടെത്തല്- 29 പൊതുമേഖലാ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങള് കരട് പട്ടിക