National Institute of Speech & Hearing
Accredited as Excellent Institution by RCI | Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade
A child spends about 1 to 2 years in Preschool and develops the much needed foundation for education in the mainstream by the age of 4 to 6 years.
Aural-oral mode, Auditory verbal mode, Bilingual mode (speech and Indian sign language) are the different modes of communication used in the EIP of NISH.
No direct enrolment-entry is only from Parent Infant Program (PIP) or Preschool Support Program(PSP)
Teacher student ratio will be 1:4
Active parent participation is required
Group sessions which follow planned, activity based learning.
Every session should include activities to enhance auditory learning, high level imagination and reading success
Focuses on early literacy skills- reading,writing and arithmetic skills
Group conversations, sharing of information, field trips, group play, story time, art, craft and music will be the key activities at this level
Duration of class is 1 hour to 4 hours for 2 to 4 days per week depending on the age and stages of the child.
Training is offered either in Malayalam or in English. It is important that the parent is fluent in the language chosen.