Awareness Video in Indian Sign Language.
NISH has conducted a wide array of steps to create awareness on Covid 19, and “break the chain” campaign among its staff, students, other supporting members and visitors. Awareness classes, thermal scanning hand sanitising facilities, sterilisation of the campus has been done by the institution when the government started the campaign against Covid 19.
- As part of KUHS campaign on Corona prevention awareness among society, a presentation was conducted by the students under the guidance of staff and nurse at NISH on 19.2.2020 and the questions of the participants were clarified.
- Aside from taking awareness classes, write-ups on the importance of handwashing and safe coughing practices were shared through email and other social media to the members.
- Posters on coronavirus prevention, social distancing and hand hygiene were displayed on various notice boards at NISH.
- Handwashing facilities are made available at the entrance of NISH for everyone who enters inside the building This was done way before the Govt campaign of "Break the Chain" initiative was launched.
- Thermal scanning is done every day for the staff and supporting staff. Students who came to NISH for writing KUHS examination had also undergone thermal scanning. Clients who came to OP were also subjected to scanning.
- All clients and bystanders, visitors are encouraged to enter their name, place, mobile number and time of arrival and exit in the register kept in front of the building and must undergo a thermal scanning before reporting to the OP.
- Frequent cleaning is undertaken across the NISH campus by the housekeeping staff to ensure that proper hygiene is maintained at all times.
- Staff who are availing the special casual leave for respiratory symptoms received medical consultation with the ENT department.
- Academics have been suspended as directed by the Government of Kerala however classes, dissertation works are conducted through online platforms such as Google Meet, Google Classrooms, audio- recorded powerpoints etc.
- In View of the need to prevent stage 3 spread of Covid 19, NISH will be implementing partial work from home from 23rd March to 31st March.